A Stunning Family of Artifacts; Mamluk Minbars.

The Masterful patterns of the Mamluk minbars of Cairo deserve their own page. This project started in 2019 - 2020. The pattern analysis work is done. Expect posts to appear here over the next few years as I cover the several dozen minbars of Cairo.

Resources Unique to the Mamluk Minbars;

Thesis: Miriam Kühn. Mamlukische Minbare : Islamische Predigtkanzeln in Aegypten, Syrien, Libanon, Israel und den Palastinensischen Autonomiegebieten zwischen 1250 und 1517Dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2017. In German, obviously, 728 pages 410 Illustrations. In print and expensive. Bonn University Press, V&R unipress GmbH, 2019. ISBN10 3847108069

Thesis: Gloria (Sergine Ohan) Karnouk. Cairene Bahri Mamluk Minbars With a Provisional Typology & a Catalogue, American University in Cairo, 1977.